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Original Hand Painted Eight Medicine Buddha / Bhaisajyaguru Masterpiece Tibetan Thangka Painting

$550 $1850

Dimensions: 103 x 74 cm And Inches 40" x 29" 
Materials: Tibetan Dust Of Pure Gold And Tibetan Natural Colors
Canvas: Organic Cotton
Hand Painted In Nepal
Master Quality Tibetan Thangka

Bhaisajyaguru, presiding over the healing art, plays a special role in the ritual worship, invocation of the spiritual power of the healing Buddha, prayers, and offerings. In various Buddhist monasteries of China, Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia, and Buryatia there are many images of Bhaisajyaguru. The Tibetan paintings scroll or Thankas as well as the gilt bronze images of the Master of healing are to be found. In the history of Buddhist art of the various countries, where Buddhism had spread and been practiced, there are different traditions of the depictions of the healing Buddha, In Tibetan paintings, the most popular images are the seated images of the Buddha of healing. They are well-established iconographic patterns that later on were incorporated into the Buddhist art of Mongolia and Buryatia when Buddhism reached these areas. The beautiful depictions of Bhisajyaguru, created by great masters are still found in many Buddhist monasteries in Mongolia and Buryatia.

The exhaustive characteristics of the numerous function of the Medicine Buddhist and his iconography are there in various relevant Tibetan medical texts. Some questions, concerning various aspects of the healing Buddha and discussed herewith based mainly on both the Tibetan medical treatises and the comprehensive Tibetan sources appertaining to the teachings, and healing principles. Methods and healing abilities of the healing Buddha.

As a rule in the seated images, the healing Buddha holds the healing fruit-myrobalan (Latin. Terminalia Chebula) in his right hand and Lapislazuli (Skt. vaidurya) (1) bowl of Amrit (nectar of immortality divine healing nectar) in his left hand. According to the Buddhist tradition, they are the symbols of his healing power. Myrobalan (Tib: A-ru-ra) affects the mind as well as the body. It underlines the nature of the Buddha of Healing. Int he Tibetan medicine Myrobalan is considered the universal treatment, which may cure all diseases (2), known in Tibetan clinical medicine.

The standard depiction in Tibetan traditional art is the healing Buddha and his brothers. The term "The Eight Medicine Buddhas" or The Eight Buddha Brothers is the most common in Tibetan Healing traditions. The depiction of the Eight Healing Buddhas, the eightfold division is not only popular but also favored by the artists in Tibet. The great Tibetan artist while describing the eight healing Buddhas has created wonderfully painted scrolls, which are unique creations of the Tibetan arts. The worship (offerings, praises, prayers, ritual hand gestures, recitations of mantras and a lot of secret formulas, visualization, initiation, etc.) of the Eight Healing Buddhas has widespread popularity in 'Tibetan Buddhism.

The Eight Healing Buddhas are described based on the text mentioned above.

1. Sangs-rGyas mTshan legs-par yongs bsgrags dpal=mTshun lets youngs bsgrags dpal; (Sky: Buddha Suparikirtitanamashri)
His body is of golden colour.

2. Sgra-dbyangs kyi rgyal-po, (Sky. Buddha Svaraghosa) His body is yellow in color.

3. Sangs-rgyas gser-bsang dri-med rin-chen snangs=gser-bzang dri-med (Skt. Buddha Suvarnabhadra vimalaratnaprabhasa)
His body is of gold in colour.

4. Sangs-rgyas mya-ngan med mchog dpal=mya-ngan med mchog dpal, (Skt. Buddha Ashokattamashri) His body is of white red
in color.

5. Sangs-rgyas chos bsgrags rgya-mtsho'i dbyangs=chos bsgrags rgya-mtssho'i dbyangs. (Sky. Buddha
Dharmakirtisagaraghosa) His body is white and red in color.

6. mNgon mKyen rGyal-po. (Skt. Buddha Abhijnaraja) His body is of coral color.

7. Sangs-rgyas sMan gyi Vaidurya'i od kyi rgyal-po=sMan-po'i rgyal; (Skt Buddha Bhisajyaguru vaiduryaprabharaja)
His body is of Lapislazuli color.

8. Sangs-rgyas dpal rgyal-ba Sahkya thub-pa (Skt. Buddha Shrijing Shakyamuni..) His body is golden color.

According to this text, Shakyamuni Buddha is one of the Eight Medicine Buddhas. He plays the role of "Supreme Physician" or "Supreme Healer" or "The King of Medicine". he heals the living beings in this world; cures any physical diseases and afflictions, due to his special healing potency, energy, and powerful medical techniques. His effective healing methods with profound blessings benefit the people. Hence Shakyamuni Buddha is presented among the eight Healing Buddhas. He is traditionally depicted above the head of the
Medicine Buddha-Bhaisajyaguru. He is considered to be a great healer because of his supremely effective healing and the healing meditation technique taught to his disciples.